Concert Archive
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Thursday December 1st: One Small Step,
Janne Eraker (NO,Tapdance), Roger Arntzen (NO, double bass), Vegar Vårdal (NO, fiddle), special guest: Bruno Xavier (acoustic bass guitar)
Friday April 9th: Ryder the Eagle (FR, vocals)
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Friday February 14th: Kamiel Thomas (vocals, guitar), Joris Frowein (percussion), Noor Sloterdijk (piano)
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Saturday December 21st: The Bullfight (Murderballad tour finale)
Saturday November 9th: Hamid Behzadian (Indian slide guitar, slide guitar, vocals)
Saturday October 12th: Geen Daden Maar Woorden Festival
Friday September 21st: Lidy Blijdorp, solo cello concert, a.o. Kodaly Sonate
Saturday July 6th: We're not your friends, we're here to eat you (music theatre)
Friday June 21st: BÄSN, Sjoerd van Kampen (vocals, electronics, guitar), Tim Roos (vocals, guitar, synths)
Friday June 14th: Robert Jan Stips (piano) and Marieke Brokamp (violin)
Saturday June 8th One Small Step (NO) and Bruno Xavier (bass)
Saturday May 4th: Ryder the Eagle (FR, vocals)
Support: I Can't Shit Because I'm a Tree (guitar and vocals)
Friday April 26th: Rose Tiger (FR, guitar and vocals)
Friday Feb 22nd: Levenslust
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Saturday Dec 29th: Winterdagen (Piano, electronics)
Saturday Dec 22nd: WLDRF (electronics)
Friday Dec 14th: Astral Swans (CAN, guitar and vocals)
Saturday Nov 24th: Vasile Luca (Cimbaal) en Lidy Blijdorp (Cello)
Saturday Nov 10th: Hellvete (BE) - Droomharmonium
Friday Nov 9th: Peter Faber Jonker (guitar and vocals)
Saturday Oct 27th An evening with Iron Maiden (pinball competition)
Friday Oct 19th "We Promise It Won't Be Boring" (music theatre)
Sat Oct 13th Geen Daden Maar Woorden Festival
Fri Oct 5th: Brandy Row (vocals and guitar)
Sat Sept 29th: Xenia Gott (vocals, bass, keys)
Fri Sept 28th: The Bullfight and Peter Milton Walsh
Saturday August 25th: Ghost Bag (guitar, vocals) & Tine Fetz (visuals, bass, vocals)
Saturday July 28th: Anne Soldaat (guitar, vocals), Reyer Zwart (bass) and Pim Drost (drums, percussion)
Friday July 27th: Eric-Jan Vriend (solo) (at our 'Kerstborrel op de warmste dag van het jaar)
Saturday June 30th: Estroe and Ammo - Deejay and Veejay set
Friday June 15th: Karel (sounds, vocals and movement) karelkarel.nl
Friday May 25th: Bruno Xavier (bass), Janne Eraker (Tapdance)
Roger Arntzen (double bass), Vegar Vårdal (violin)
Saturday May 19th: Rose Tiger (FR)(guitar, vocals, drum, electronics)
Friday April 13th: BÄSN (guitar, vocals, electronics)
Friday March 30: Peter Faber Jonker (guitar and vocals)
Friday March 23: MOAN (guitar and vocals)
Saturday Febuary 10th: Deejay set by Peter Faber Jonker
Friday February 9th: Deejay set by David Fagan and Arnoud Verheul (Rats on Rafts)
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Saturday December 9th: The Bullfight (Album presentation)
Saturday November 25th: Renton Jules (BE)
Saturday November 4th: Wouter Mol (clip release and performance)
Saturday October 21st: Ryder the Eagle (FR)
Saturday September 9th: Bruno Xavier and Janne Eraker (NO)
Friday August 11th: Susanne Rosmolen - solo cello concert: Philip Glass.
Saturday July 29th: Sociale Onrust - 'Silent gig'
Sunday July 23rd: MAYÍN (Pica Pica Zomerparade)
Saturday July 22nd: Paul Dill
Saturday June 24th: The Bullfight
Saturday June 10th: Bruno Xavier (live silent film soundtracking)
Friday May 26th: The Cruel Horizon
Saturday April 29th: Tjilp (at Marley's Kattenfestival)
Friday April 21st: Mark Lotterman and Harry Merry
Saturday February 11th: BÄSN (at Rotterdam Photo Festival)
Friday February 10th: Mark Lotterman (at Rotterdam Photo Festival)
Thursday February 9th: Steye Felix (at Rotterdam Photo Festival)
Saturday February 4th: Judy Blank
Saturday January 28th: Renton Jules (BE)
Friday January 27th: Rob Kloet (question enhancer at 'Met het Nits op Tafel'
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Friday December 23rd: Denise unplugged
Saturday December 17th: Gery Mendes
Friday December 9th: Adison (part of 'Gery Mendes Highly Recommends')
Saturday December 3rd: Mala (part of 'Gery Mendes Highly Recommends')
Saturday November 26th: De Nits (at exposition unveiling TING!)
Friday November 25th: Stanley Clementina (part of 'Gery Mendes Highly Recommends')
Thursday September 29th: JW Roy
Friday September 9th: Tim Hartog (stand up show try out)
Saturday September 3rd: Denise, Convoi Exceptional, WLDRF
Saturday May 28th: Bruno Xavier (Bruno's weekend at Kopi Soesoe)
Friday May 27th: Bruno Xavier (Bruno's weekend at Kopi Soesoe)
Friday May 13th: Niek Hilkman
Saturday April 16th: WLDRF (Gentleman's rave)
Saturday March 12th: Wouter Mol (improv at exhibition 'Apocalypse')
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Saturday December 12th: Anne Soldaat
Saturday December 5th: Dear Leaders (UK)
Thursday October 22nd: Marc O'Reilly (EIR)
Saturday October 17th: Gery Mendes
Saturday October 3rd: Vriend
Saturday September 5th: Mol, Harry Merry, Sociale Onrust
Saturday July 18th: Harry Merry
Saturday July 4th: Mol with plants
Friday May 8th: Johnson and Johnson
Saturday April 11th: RoteMol et ses invitees
Saturday February 28th: Saint Helena Dove
Saturday February 7th: Puck and the Pyjammahs
Saturday January 31st: Stand Up 69
Saturday January 24th: Lunar Leshy and the Zamphire
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Friday June 21st 12h43 Gert Vlok Nel (ZA)
